Empowering Workers,
Building Solidarity
You're not alone. Creating a union is a powerful way for workers to come together, advocate for their rights, and influence positive change in their workplaces.
Learn More on How to Create Your Union Today
Who is Unionize 101?
We’re a group of like-minded individuals that believe in the power of collective action to drive positive change in the workplace. We envision a future where workers have a strong voice in shaping their working conditions and ensuring fair treatment.
Whether you’re a worker seeking to organize your workplace or an advocate for labor rights, our mission is to equip you with the knowledge of tools needed to navigate the unionization process effectively. From understanding your rights under labor laws to strategically organizing grassroots campaigns, we’re here to support you every step of the way.
Join us in our mission to promote solidarity, fairness, and equality in the workplace. Together, we can build a better and more equitable world for all workers.
Steps to Form a Union
Starting a union can seem daunting. Breaking it down into small steps can create stepping stones for you that lead to the big picture!
Learn More on How to Create a Union
Some Union Victories!
Union On Strike
The United States’ Fight for $15 Movement
This movement began in 2012 and it fought for a $15 minimum wage and improved working conditions for low-wage workers, particularly those working in the fast-food and retail industries.
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Union On Strike
The AFT’s Fight for Higher Wages
There have been various successful organizing efforts of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) in various states to improve working conditions, salaries, and educational resources for teachers.
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Need some help with starting your union?
Pinear can streamline the process for you. Pinear is a mobile app for union leaders, providing an end-to-end solution for the establishment and management of a union.

Click below to access the app and get started on building your union today.